Launching the Nexus of Good

What happened to the love and the values of humanity?

What happened to the love and the fairness and equality?

Instead of spreading love we're spreading animosity

Lack of understanding leading us away from unity

Where's the love?

- The Black Eyed Peas (2003)

When the American hip hop group The Black Eyed Peas released this song in June 2003, I immediately started noticing how all the media around us is always interested in talking about negativity all the time. The entire news broadcast was always filled with incidents of rape, murder, abuse, violence etc. 

It used to make me wonder - Are we really living in such a cruel world or is it just the media that’s making us believe so? Do good people even exist? Is any good work even happening around us?

Fortunately, someone else also took notice of this and decided to do something about it.

Squareboat proudly launched the “Nexus of Good” website on 4 August 2019, an initiative of Mr. Anil Swarup, Former Secretary, School Education (2016-2018) and Ministry of Coal (2014-2016), Government of India.

The launch was attended by 100+ goodness believers who not only believed in the idea themselves but also were doing something good in society in their own special way.

Be it Aayaan Aggarwal’s fight against plastics or some exemplary stories of how Hindus & Muslims united to shift shrines and pave way for a highway, Nexus of Good is filled with countless stories to demonstrate that goodness in this world still exists.

If you know of anyone who has also contributed to society with something good, you can submit their story and get it featured on the website too.

Squareboat hopes that the incredible stories on the Nexus of Good spread globally and inspires everyone to connect with these incredible people and think on how they can also contribute to the world in a good way.

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